How to Avoid Hydroplaning in Rainy Weather – NBC 7 San Diego
The wet weather has arrived in San Diego County, and since the locals take to the streets in stormy weather, here are a few things to keep in mind behind the wheel.
It is important to be vigilant and in full control of your vehicle when driving in the rain. For this reason, motorists are advised not to use cruise control or self-drive functions in wet weather.
To minimize the risk of aquaplaning, drivers should allow more time to reach their destination and drive more slowly. You should also try not to brake too hard and leave plenty of space between vehicles.
Friday’s storm caused wet roads in San Diego County. NBC 7’s Ashley Matthews shares tips on how to drive safely in the rain. It also explains what aquaplaning is and how drivers can avoid these hazards.
Tire condition is also an important factor to consider when driving in bad weather. It is therefore essential to check the air pressure and the grip of your tires before hitting the road.
Emergencies happen in no time and when someone finds their vehicle is skidding or is aquaplaning it is important that they focus on regaining control. This is when it is most important to avoid screeching the brakes as it makes it difficult to control. Instead, according to the AAA, drivers are being asked to remain calm, continue to look at the road, and steer in the direction the front of their vehicle is supposed to go.
You can find more safety information about driving in wet weather here.
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