San Diego Door, Street Journal, San Diego Magazine



Photo by Robert Burroughs

Frank Gormlie, who helped build OB Rag, had landed on one of Herbert Marcuse’s UCSD philosophy courses. He later became one of the “UCSD 21” who were arrested in May 1970.

Notes from the underground

Most of the newspaper’s staff lived in Door Ward in a Victorian house on Albatross Street that was rented for $ 295 a month. At the end of 1973 they were asked to move by the landlord Patrick Kruer, a local property developer. The staff decided that Kruer would not benefit from the sale of the building’s furnishings. “The door had a party and everything was destroyed,” says Ritter, embarrassed. “Every window was broken, the chandelier was dismantled, every crystal doorknob was taken away.”

By Neal Matthews on November 25, 1992 | Read the whole article

Catfish delivered to reader offices

Fishy delivery

Emmett pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against co-defendants on the case. Emmett then worked for the Baltimore Orioles. Emmett’s colleague in the Orioles was Larry Lucchino. Lucchino took over the Orioles after Williams died in 1988. After the Orioles were sold and Lucchino bought the San Diego Padres together with the money man John Moores, Emmett is said to have become a member of the Padres board of directors.

There have been many sightings of Emmett in San Diego.

By Matt Potter on March 9, 2000 | Read the whole article

Otis Chandler: “Be patient. Hold on. Don’t get off the ship. The people who made this decision, including my family, looked at us very carefully.”

Chicago does LA

The hypothetical scenario that the Tribune Company resumes an offer to acquire the San Diego Union-Tribune and is successful is “frightening. Then you are talking about a huge monopoly of opinion in a densely populated region of the country – the few company headquarters based in San Diego that have real capital and clout. If they were sold to an outside owner, they would become so many other companies’ San Diego offices. “

By Suzy Hagstrom, April 6, 2000 | Read the whole article

John Vietor is careful. Is this another “social interview”?

Mr. Jello will see you now

While we were talking, the sun was shining relentlessly, but Jack was impervious to my discomfort in my heavy clothing. At some point I ask if I can take off my sweater and then come back from his bathroom with my upper body wrapped in a heavy bath towel. Jack squints in the sun and goes on talking, telling me about his blind date with Joan Crawford in La Jolla in 1955.

By Eleanor Widmer, March 15, 1979 | Read the whole article

Family portrait, circa 1915. Front row: E. Virginia Scripps, Ellen Browning Scripps, EW Scripps, sons Robert and John, Nackie Scripps (Mrs. EW Scripps), Mrs. James Scripps, EW’s mother Judith Osborne. Back row: Fred Scripps, Mrs. Willam Scripps, William Scripps, James E. Scripps.

Courtesy Charles E. Scripps

Broken chain

At Miramar, EW Scripps rushed to announce to guests Clarence Darrow and Lincoln Steffens that he is advocating the work effort, unlike Times editor Otis. “I’m getting out of here in these big fields to escape the rich. So I don’t think like a rich man. I think more like a left-wing abundance of workers, like these Dynamiter. You talk about the newspaper owner holding back his editors. It’s different for me. “

By Matt Potter on April 7, 1988 | Read the whole article

Stories from the San Diego edition about the Bill Kolender Ticket Freeze and Pete Wilson Free Loan

End of times

“We were a very close-knit group and we were very competitive,” recalls Rick Paddock, who worked for the local edition of the Times from 1978-1982 and is currently the full-time writer for the main edition in San Francisco. “We felt like the underdogs because we were certainly outnumbered, but we had highly skilled people who not only broke a lot but were also looking for innovative ways to get the news out.”

By Thomas K. Arnold, November 12, 1992 | Read the whole article


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